system consists of I/O devices ,device controllers and driver software.
}I/O Module Function
a) Control & Timing
coordinate flow of traffic between external devices and internal resources.
decoding in I/O module ,data exchange through data bus , status reporting about peripheral , and CPU assigning
unique address for each I/O module.
c)Device Communication
Communication involves commands ,status information and data.
-The data
are buffered in the I/O module and then sent to the peripheral device at its
data rate.
reporting errors to the processor.
I/O Module Diagram
I/O Mapping
mapped I/O
and memory share an address space.
-I/O looks just like memory read/write
-No special commands for I/O.
-Separate address spaces
-Need I/O or memory select lines
-Special commands for I/O
Input Output Techniques
-Data are exchanged between the processor
and the I/O module.
-CPU has direct control over I/O
-waste CPU time
Programmed I/O-Detail
requests I/O operation
module performs operation
module sets status bits
checks status bits periodically (known as polling)
module does not inform CPU directly
module does not interrupt CPU
}CPU may
wait or come back later
Programmed I/O
Driven I/O
-Overcomes CPU waiting
-No repeated CPU checking of Device
-I/O module interrupts when ready.
Interrupt Driven
I/O-Basic Operation
}CPU issues read command
}I/O module gets data from peripheral whilst CPU does other work
}I/O module interrupts CPU
}CPU requests data
}I/O module transfers data
Interrupt Driven I/O
Interrupt I/O
}Interrupt I/O is more efficient than programmed I/O because it
eliminates needless waiting.
I/O consumes a lot of processor
time, because data transfer from memory to I/O module to memory must passed
through the processor.
Drawbacks of Programmed and Interrupt Driven I/O
nBoth forms of I/O
suffer from two inherent drawbacks:
1)The I/O transfer rate
is limited by the speed with which the processor can test and service a device
2)The processor is tied
up in managing an I/O transfer; a number of instructions must be executed for
each I/O transfer
Direct Memory Access
DMA Function
Direct Memory Access
DMA Transfer – Cycling
cycling-stealing ,DMA controller acquires the bus ,transfer a single byte or
word for a cycle.
is not an interruption because CPU dose not switch context.
suspend just before it accesses bus.
allow other devices , and in particular the CPU , to share the bus during DMA
}Slow down
DMA Configurations(1)
Bus ,Detached DMA controller
transfer uses bus twice
}CPU is
suspended twice
DMA Configurations(2)
Bus ,Integrated DMA controller
Controller may support>1 device
transfer uses bus once
}CPU is
suspended once
DMA Configuration(3)
I/O Bus
supports all DMA enable devices
transfer uses bus once
}CPU is
suspended once
By Fam Jiang Yuan
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